Urban Decay Photography – Beauty in Decay
Urban Decay Photography: Capturing Beauty in Decay
A photographer’s eye can capture beauty even in seemingly abandoned and rundown areas, from abandoned buildings to derelict machinery – these gritty scenes offer some truly remarkable photo opportunites for photographers.
While many may see urban decay photography as unattractive, its beauty can be profound. Photographers who specialize in it often find immense inspiration in its layers of graffiti written over years by various writers; multicolored peeling paint; and other physical manifestations that remain from once bustling spaces that once held activity.
Photographers often become entranced by this genre due to its fascination with how nature gradually takes back control over manmade structures over time, whether that means moss growing over door edges, vines covering an abandoned wall or simply trees appearing through roofs of once grand buildings.
As always when photographing urban decay, safety must always come first. These environments can be hazardous so wearing appropriate footwear and clothing that won’t get dirty easily is key; bring along a flashlight in case there’s little light within any abandoned buildings you visit as many have no lighting whatsoever.
Utilizing a wide-angle lens can capture the entire scene and highlight the decay of space, while tripods allow for long exposures for creative effects. Finally, getting up early to capture some beautiful natural lighting on your subject would also prove advantageous.