Personal Bankruptcy Tips That Can Help Your Credit
It’s very easy to feel contempt for people who declare bankruptcy, but that feeling disappears when filing for it becomes a possibility. A simple change of circumstances, such as job loss, can quickly change a life to the point where bankruptcy may be the only way out. If you find yourself in this position, the following article will be of great assistance.
If you are considering paying your taxes with credit cards and turning around and filing bankruptcy–they are on to you. Most places will not consider the debt dischargeable, meaning you will have to pay the IRS a lot of money. In most cases, you can use the adage that “a dischargeable tax is a dischargeable debt.” Just because your credit card could be discharged in bankruptcy does not mean you should use it.
Exhaust every other option before making the decision to file for personal bankruptcy. Consider any other options that are available to you, such as consumer credit counseling. Bankruptcy will be on your credit report and affect your credit score for many years to come, so it is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Try to use it as a last resort.
It is essential when going through bankruptcy that all of your income and assets are reported openly and honestly. Not only is hiding income and assets wrong, it is also a crime.
Don’t be reluctant to remind your lawyer about specific details he may not remember. Don’t just assume they already know and that they have these important details committed to memory or written down. This is your future in their hands, so don’t be scared to mention it.
Credit Card
It’s not uncommon to learn soon after bankruptcy that you are unable to get an unsecured credit card easily. A great way to rebuild your credit is to apply for a prepaid credit card. This will be a demonstration of the seriousness with which you view rebuilding your credit rating. After using a secured card for a certain amount of time, you might be offered an unsecured card once again.
If you aren’t totally honest about your assets when filing a bankruptcy petition, you could get into serious trouble. Your bankruptcy lawyer has to know every detail of your finances, whether bad or good. Divulge all of your information so that you and your lawyer can devise the best strategy for dealing with your situation.
If you are considering filing for personal bankruptcy, be certain that this is really the right course of action for you. Sometimes consolidating your existing debts can make them more manageable. It is not a quick and easy process to file for bankruptcy. The future of your credit will be greatly affected. Therefore, you must make sure that there is no other option that you could take before you file for bankruptcy.
After exhausting every avenue for resolving your financial debts, bankruptcy may be a necessity. There is no need to feel stress if you are faced with this situation. When you read this article, you will find some very valuable information.